Thursday, July 23, 2009

Charlotte's Web

" On foggy mornings, Charlotte's web was truly a thing of beauty. This morning each thin strand was decorated with dozens of tiny beads of water. The web glistened in the light and made a pattern of loveliness and mystery, like a delicate veil." taken from Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White.

This morning we awoke to a wonderfully cool foggy morning. The fog was so thick that you could actually see it swirl around you as you moved. My husband found this spider web while drinking his morning coffee on the deck. Jessie and I came out to inspect it and it was truly beauty to the eye. Jessie was so excited she decided to look for more and we found at least ten.
This one was perhaps the most beautiful of them all.

We have been reading Charlotte's Web during our nighttime ritual and we had just finished the chapter where Charlotte wrote the words "Some Pig" in her web. This was one of my favorite books as a child. I remember Mom reading it to us before I could read, and I must have read it five or six times by myself. Jessie asked me one day if there was a book that went along with the movie. I told her yes, and we went to the library that day to get it. She has only seen the movie once when she was four, but she was very taken with it. I am glad that she wanted to hear the real story.

I was so blessed with a mother that took the time to read to my sister and I. Growing up, I can vividly remember sitting in her lap as she read Winnie the Pooh, Wizard of Oz, Jungle Book, Alice in Wonderland, and many others. I cannot imagine my life without books. I just hope that Jessie will have fond memories of reading in bed with me.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Creatures in my Backyard II

What a brilliant color green. This little guy decided to munch on my basil leaves one morning. Chris had gone outside for his morning ritual and began watering the herbs and potted plants and spotted the insect. He thought that he would use this opportunity to expand on a lesson that Jessie had recently learned about from reading with Daddy at night. They had read a book about camouflage. He brought her outside to see if she could find the little guy. By then he had moved over to the lantana plant and it took them a while to find him. Jessie was so excited and decided to name him Hoppy.

It is so amazing to get to see the world through a child's eyes. I think that sometimes we get so caught up in our routines and forget to slow down and see the little things. I am glad that Hoppy was able to let our family share in a moment of learning. Thank you Hoppy. Thank you Chris for this wonderful photo.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Creature in My Backyard

For the past few weeks I have been memorizing songs, poems and activities for my Kindermusik Summer Camp starting in July. One of my camps is called Creatures in My Back Yard. So early this morning, while making breakfast for J, I noticed something different moving in my backyard. I slipped on some shoes and was happy to find this little guy moving slowly, eating the grass, and just stretching his neck to look around. I came back in to get the camera and J, Cody, and Ruby decided to come outside with me. Needless to say the turtle, just tucked himself up and peeked out. Once we went back inside he began his slow vigil across the yard. He seemed very curious, stretching his head up as high as it could go. Ruby went back outside later and kept his distance. He just sat a few yards away and watched as the turtle slowly moved. At one point the turtle and Ruby were facing off. I wish I could have gotten a picture of that as well, but I knew that just by me going outside the face off would end.

I was happy for our little visitor this morning. I hope he finds our yard pleasant and decides to stay for awhile. I will end this blog with a little poem from Creatures in My Backyard. In this activity, the kids get a large scarf, put it over their backs and pretend to be turtles. In the end the parent lifts the scarf to reveal the hiding turtle. Too cute.

Little Turtle

Little turtle, little turtle
Hide inside your shell.
Little turtle, little turtle
Come and crawl with me.
Little turtle, little turtle
I See You!

Kindermusik International

Monday, June 8, 2009

Colors from the garden

Clematis arched in growth.
Even without flower you are beautiful.
Brilliant purple surrounding a white starburst.
Such majesty in your glory.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Finished Purse

Well after much deliberation, I decided to use the green/chocolate stars print and the green/yellow, pink blossom print to make my first purse.

Overall, the purse took about 4 hours to design and sew, however, I made the purse over the course of 2 days. I started with the design yesterday and cut out the fabric, but decided to stop and do some yard work since it was so beautiful outside. Last night, by body told me I should have stayed inside to sew, because I was really tired. I got up early this morning before my daughter got up so I could finish the purse. I really am happy with the way that it turned out, and can't wait to use it tomorrow.

I only had a few problems making the purse. I struggled with getting the pattern the right shape, and then getting the straps the right size. When I was sewing, I found that my string kept breaking when I got to a really thick layer. I think that it broke at least 20 times, and I was ready to give up, but kept on. I ended up having to hand sew those areas that were extra thick. I also forgot to leave an opening so I could turn the purse right side out, but I quickly remedied this.

There are definitely flaws in the overall project, but I am happy that it is done. I really do like it and can't wait to create another one later in the year. This was a project happily done.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Inspiration Begins

For the past few months I have been desperately searching for a new purse, but I could never find one that I wanted. Recently I thought to myself that I could sew me a purse and be able to choose fabric that I liked. I went out to shop fabric but ran into a dead end. Since my local quilt shop closed, I have found it hard to find fabric that inspires me. So I invariably turned to the Internet, and found myself spending hours looking at fabric. There were so many wonderful colors and patterns that it was hard to choose. I would find a site and start piling up anything that I really liked into my shopping cart. I then had to cut it down to my favorites. At some points I had up to 30 different fabrics in my cart. I finally did, however, narrow it down to three.

I will be making my own interpretation of the Amy Butler "the swing bag". You can see a picture of this bag at I have been checking out books at the library to find out how to make a purse, and I think I have a pretty good idea how to make up my own pattern for this bag. I may have to spend more time on this project than I intended, but I know the end result will be something that I will be proud of.

The fabrics that I picked have variations on botanical prints. For some reason, in this time in my life, I have found that I am drawn to them. The purse will be reversible, so now I have to narrow down my fabrics to two. I think I know which two I will be using, because I really love the other and want to do something special with it. First I need to do the purse, and then maybe I will find the inspiration to so something really wonderful with the other.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Reflections On This Birthday

For some reason in my family the Christmas cactus has always been present.  My mother had some when I was growing up.  Every year we would go to Thanksgiving lunch at my cousins house and she always had the largest and most beautiful cacti.  She had them in varying colors. My Great Aunt always had some in her home too.  My sister has a very large cactus that I think was grown off a cutting of one of Moms.  

I purchased some from stores over various years, but could never seem to get them to grow, or bloom, so I would give up.  Then about 4 to 5 years ago, I bought one at Kroger, on a whim and decided to try my hardest to keep it alive.  I bought it when it was in full bloom, and within days the beautiful flowers had all dropped off.  I read that this happens when there is a sudden change in their environment.  I kept it alive and the next year little buds grew, but never opened up.  It moved with us to our new house and I kindly put it behind my kitchen sink.  I am there every day and I always look at it and think of Mom and the other strong women in my family.  

Since it got its new home behind my sink, it has bloomed every year.  It however, does not bloom around Thanksgiving or Christmas like it is supposed to.  It graciously saves its blooms for my birthday. Today on my birthday, the first bloom opened up and greeted me this morning.  I think of it is a little birthday present to me from Mom and the plant itself. 

Saturday, January 24, 2009

40 Circles, 40 Years

At the end of last year and at the beginning of this, several people I love turned 40. It started off with my older sister, her husband, and now my husband Chris. Last will be my friend Tammy. 40 years seems like so much, but in reality it is very little. When my Mom died at 45, I thought she was so old, but now as this age is so close to others I love, I realize that they have so much more to experience and do.

I wanted to commemorate my husband turning 40, by giving him something that would be remembered, cherished, and loved often. I first thought of making him an art book with 40 of Jessie's best pieces of art. I realized that I had run out of time for this. Then, on seeing some pictures of my sisters on her blog, I realized that this was the perfect thing for Jessie and I to do. The pictures showed art created by children of multi-colored circles. I bought a 24" x 36" canvas and divided it equally into 40 squares. Then with paintbrush in hand, Jessie and I began to paint 40 circles. We used acrylic art paint as our medium. Jessie was upset that Daddy might not like her circles as well as mine, but I assured her that Daddy would love each and every one. He did.

The colors of this painting are very vibrant, and I feel that they are a good reflection of the life that Chris has had, and of his life now. They are happy, warm colors. I am so proud to say that I have spent over half of Chris' life with him. I wish him much happiness in the years to come.

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” - Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Music of Happiness In My Heart

What a momentous day and what a moving day. As I sat in my comfy chair watching and rejoicing in the history of the day, I was moved many times to tears. They were not tears of sorrow, but pure tears of happiness for the promise of hope for our future and my daughters future. I thought often of what my Mother would have thought of today. I know she would have been crying as well; crying for the acceptance and hope. I know also that in Jackson, my sister was sitting with some of her students in the library with streams of tears on her face as well.

Last night I talked with my 5 year old about what was going to take place today. I wanted to instill in her the importance of the events and how proud I was to be experiencing it. I wanted her to know that she is so fortunate to be alive during such a time of change. I think she understood, how fortunate to live in a world where any person could become president.

I was moved several times during the ceremony today. I cried when I saw the former Presidents come down to the platform, so many still alive at one time. I cried when Obama's girls came out as well as Michelle. I cried when Obama stopped in the hall, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. What a task he has ahead of him. I cried at the beautiful piece of music played by Yo Yo Ma, Perlman, and others. I cried during the poem. I cried as the media panned to the crowd, and saw the tears on others faces. I cried during the speech.

Music was around, in the air, in the speech, in the poem. Music of happiness was in my heart today.

"For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace. "
Barack Obama

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My first inspiration

On Sunday night Jessie, my 5 year old little girl, came to me and asked if I wanted to know a secret. I told her of course, and she whispered into my ear that she had a loose tooth. I was amazed and asked her if I could see it. Overcoming my tooth phobia, ( don't even ask), I wiggled the tooth and was surprised at how loose it really was. It will probably come out sometime this coming weekend. I also discovered that she actually had two loose teeth. I was determined at this point, that I was going to make her something very special that she could put her teeth in. I had been looking at an item on, and felt that I could make one just as good as the one online. I went to Hobby Lobby and picked out some colorful felt, yarn for hair, and went to work designing. My first template seemed to be right and I made the tooth fairy that night. I put the face on the next morning.

My next project was to make a note from the tooth fairy to Jessie, letting her know that she had made the fairy doll just for her. She explained that she had heard that Jessie had some loose teeth and wanted her to have something to put the teeth in. I left the note and the doll on her bedside ladder last night, and Jessie found it in the morning. She was so proud and wanted to take the fairy to show and tell at school on Friday. I love that Jessie believes in magical things. She is very interested in fairies, and has set many a fairy trap at home, thanks to the encouragement of her older cousin. I want to encourage Jessie to use her imagination every day and if believing in fairies helps to do that, then I believe too.

I named this blog Musical Dreams of Color, because these are things that mean so much in my life. I have been studying for the past few months to become a licensed Kindermusik Educator and will be starting work this summer at the University of Central Arkansas Community School of Music. I have always loved listening to music, singing, playing it and have tried to instill this love in my daughter. I can not wait to have my first classes and be able to pass this love on to other families in the community. The word dreams came from my own personal hope to always be reaching for my own dreams. Color, is just an inspiration to me. I used to quilt and do other crafts which involved very colorful fabrics and yarns. I feel that colors can give us energy and help determine our moods. I want others to be inspired by color, and will be getting out all of my material, yarn, and crafting things to begin to inspire myself. This blog will highlight some of those inspirations.

Thank you Julie, my wonderful older sister, for giving me the courage to start my own blog. You can see her blog on Enjoy.